Building Distributed Systems with Node.js and ØMQ --- a talk for Node.js in the Wild
VIDEO! Building Distributed Systems with Node.js and ØMQ
A talk for Node.js in the Wild
brew install zmq
sudo apt-get install libtool autoconf automake uuid-dev build-essential
tar zxvf zeromq-3.2.2.tar.gz && cd zeromq-3.2.2
sudo make install
Testing the base library.
man zmq
Install the zmq node module.
npm install zmq
Testing the module.
node --harmony -p -e 'require("zmq")'
First pass at troubleshooting (update system library cache):
sudo ldconfig
Beacon application: fires an event once a second.
"pid": 12345,
"timestamp": 1404168475695
PUB program: net-beacon-pub.js
SUB program: net-beacon-sub.js
Same beacon application.
PUB program: zmq-beacon-pub.js
SUB program: zmq-beacon-sub.js
Application requests the current time.
REP program: zmq-time-rep.js
REQ program: zmq-time-req.js
DEALER = parallel REQ
ROUTER = parallel REP
Cluster responds to time requests just like the previous example.
REP cluster program: zmq-time-rep-cluster.js
Simple work queue using PUSH/PULL.
PUSH program: zmq-work-push.js
PULL program: zmq-work-pull.js
Cluster to demonstrate the First Joiner problem.
PULL cluster program: zmq-work-pull-cluster.js
For your kind attention.
If there are any?