MDN Concurrency model and Event Loop


Sección Async JS

EdX Course Asynchronous Programming with Javascript

In this EdX Microsoft course you will learn the latest asynchronous features in JavaScript such as Promises, the Fetch API, and Generators.

The course will be self paced. The course outline and grading policy is listed in Module 0. Once you have finished reading through the course overview in Module 0, you can begin learning with Module 1 - Asynchronous Fundamentals.

The Fetch API

You Don't Know JS: Async & Performance Kyle Simpson

Curso de Ricardo Macario en YouTube sobre JS Async

Javascript asíncrono con Async Await

Carlos Villuendas nos muestra cómo trabajar con la asincronicidad en Javascript mediante las funciones Async Await. En su ejemplo veremos lo sencillo que resulta aplicarlas y la escalabilidad que aporta a nuestro código.

Libro The Modern JavaScript Tutorial